Smelling Salt Conservatives, Kindly Retire to Your Fainting Couches
Nothing invokes histrionics from the left [*1] quite like an offensive cast of meme magic. Some favored monikers: Fake News, Cuckservative, Social Justice Warrior, Snowflake, Trigger Warning, etc. The rhetoric is constantly evolving and best when using the left's own labels against them [*2]. Almost entirely pathos, very little logos. Like Shakespeare 's famous juxtaposition of funeral speeches in Caesar [*3], a lot of Antony, very little Brutus. Yet the past has taught the Right that relying exclusively on Brutus and the dialectic path has conserved practically nothing [*4]. However, the past year has taught the Right that a little pathos goes a long way. Actually, the greatest victory since 1922 way [*6]. And, eight months later, still on the same path way [*6]. And to those who fear a Trump waver from core precepts, a brief look at executive orders alone dispels the myth. Ground is rapidly gained not just in getting people in but getting ideas implemented [*7]. And ...