
Showing posts from February, 2018

The NAXALT Inquisition Unhinged: Stating Bio/Psychological Facts Is Now Sexual Harassment

Shortly after I posted "Heretical HBD vs. The NAXALT Inquisition: A Scopes Monkey Trial for the 21st Century" [*1], a memo from the United States' National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in California was made public [*2], after Damore withdrew his claim, deciding, nonetheless, in favor of Google and against James Damore, who was terminated for writing a memo [*3] using a plethora of scientific studies (conveniently deleted out by libelous news outlets, including the charlatans at Wikipedia, gaslighting the public [*4]) to explain why a goal of 50/50 distribution of men/women employees (Google's implicit end game) that doesn't account for scientifically observed differences in averages between the sexes isn't realistic. James argued Google fired him for expressing dissent on matters affecting working conditions (abject hostility to white cis-gendered males) and offering critical feedback on Google's employment policies (retaliation). The NLRB is fairly...

Heretical HBD vs. The NAXALT Inquisition: A Scopes Monkey Trial for the 21st Century

Was the theory of evolution and its myriad of research and texts inspired by Darwin's The Origin of Species largely resisted in the early 20th century? Despite popular culture's view of history through virtue-signaling lenses, the same that falsely purport the supposed rubes of antiquity as flat-earthers [*1], evolution was in most biology textbooks in the 1920s, including the most popular one taught in American schools [*2]. As an anomaly, in 1925, Tennessee outlawed any public school teacher from teaching "any theory that denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the bible and to teach instead that man had descended from a lower order of animals." [*3] High School teacher, John Scopes' resistance to this law is heralded as a virtuous victory for free speech against backwater rubes of the South [*4] in what we colloquially refer to today as the Scopes Monkey Trial. In reality, Scopes agreed to an orchestrated arrest, and the trial was a pub...