
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Measure of Cowardice and Sociopathy: Finding Courage During Historic Times

Circa November 2020, America and the world is at a cross-roads. Under the guise of a pandemic, a slew of mail-in ballots flooding American precincts at the early-morning hours of November 4 th  (many run through multiple times) has resulted in comically-obvious election fraud. History will remember November 3-4, 2020 as a pivotal moment. If we on the right lose this battle to overturn this comically-obvious fraud or hold a new election, why would we? A new Seven Letter poll published on Politico, taken November 10-19, 2020 on the "results" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, reveals the answer [*1]. Twelve percent of Biden voters say, "Yes, illegal voting and fraud stole this election," compared to 79% of Trump voters. A prior-released Rasmussen poll, taken November 17-18, 2020, had Democrats at 30% believing fraud likely changed the election (20% very likely) [*2]. So we can infer the Seven Letter poll may understate this number. [*2]. An Economist/YouGov pol...