To Get or Not Get a Not-Vaccine: Anatomy of a Fact Check
The burning question of 2021: should you get a COVID-19 vaccine? To anyone turning on a device with network television or cable programming, the answer is, yes, of course! Not only should you get it, but you should share vaccine selfies, especially if you're a celebrity, to encourage others to get it. And those refusing to take and share said selfies should be shamed for their civic-duty failure [*1]. The question isn't whether you should get one but what a socially-acceptable minimum level of enthusiasm for getting one should be. These "vaccines" may be more-appropriately deemed "not-vaccines," considering they were never tested to see if they prevent human-to-human transmission of the virus [*2]. The two reasons to get a vaccine: (1) to greatly decrease, if not eliminate, the probability you will get a particular ailment and (2) to greatly decrease, if not eliminate, the probability you will transmit a particular ailment to others. If a vaccine was neve...