
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Epistemology of Conspiracy: From COVID-19 to JFK and the Moon Landings

What is a conspiracy? Why does the pejorative "conspiracy theorist" have rhetorical power in public consciousness? Meaning and Morality of Conspiracy Kindle readers are linked to the 2010 American Oxford Dictionary, which defines conspiracy as "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful [*1]." Legal definitions for conspiracy vary by jurisdiction, but it's generally an agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful or harmful act coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement's objective, often times with an additional requirement of action or conduct that furthers that agreement. Unlike criminal-law conspiracy, civil-law conspiracy is coupled with harm that can be measured in money for a jury to dole out in a way the "conspiracy" rarely matters relative to proof of the act itself. Criminal conspiracies can be prosecuted regardless of harm or even whether or not the act of wrong-doing from the conspiracy itself was commit...

What to Consider Before Getting a COVID-19 "Vaccine" or Semi-Annual Re-Vaxx

From May 24 to August 14, 2021, I've added four parts to this piece on critical information the public should know before getting a COVID-19 "vaccine" or a semi-annual COVID-19 vaccine "booster," as Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said at a virtual event hosted by CVS Health [*1]: There will be likely a need for a third [COVID-19 "vaccine"] dose, somewhere between 6 and 12 months. And then from there. There will be an annual revaccination. But all of that needs to be confirmed. Thus, this piece applies not only to people who haven't yet made their decisions on "the jab" but also to people who recognize they'll be solicited on re-vaccination every quarter, six months, or year and may have to make decisions on risk of adverse effects (like death or permanent disability) from the "vaccination" versus their risk of getting COVID-19 itself, including their possible "asymptomatic spreading" of it, potential harm after getting ...