Exposing Lyndon Johnson's Apollo Fraud and Big Tech's Censorship of Bart Sibrel's Book, Moon Man

NOTE: This piece analyzes Bart Sibrel's September-2021-published book, Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List, spoiling some of its shocking contents. Because the book is being digitally shadow-banned from searches, I aim to boost this critical information to the widest audience possible. Mr. Sibrel sacrificed his career and familial and church relationships to bring us the information in his book, only available on Amazon for now. Please click here and purchase a copy to support him and visit his website here to follow him and purchase a copy of his two documentaries: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon and Astronauts Gone Wild. On September 22, 2021, an audio version of Moon Man will be available as well.

To hobbyist Moon-landing deniers, like myself, the Apollo fraud, that occurred 1968-1972 (Apollo 8 through Apollo 17), is palpably obvious. The photographic record was shot in a studio with false backgrounds. The backgrounds are comically fake; they don't even follow the most basic rules of logical continuity [*1].

Very little visual-spatial intelligence is needed to understand the Apollo photographs were not taken on the Moon, but in some type of studio.

An old legal doctrine seems apt here: res ips loquitur, "it speaks for itself." When proving claims in a court of law, some circumstances, entirely under a wrong-doer's control, are so obvious that refusing to concede those circumstances wastes the court (and jury's) time. Hence, making wrong-doers pay for they did could be advanced without need of additional evidence of mal intent.

The photos I reference above "speak for themselves." And they tell you, unequivocally, the Apollo photographic record is fraudulent. We don't need a confession from the photographer that the photos were taken in a studio. We simply look at the photos, apply common sense, and understand they are fake. 

Under res ipsa loquitur, we know the photographic record is fraudulent. But is it possible the photographic record was faked but the astronauts still went to the Moon anyway? No. Journalist and film-maker Bart Sibrel caught the Apollo astronauts, red-handed, faking the Apollo missions on their own video camera.

In 1999, previously-unreleased footage was sent from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to Bart Sibrel and David Percy in response to their numerous requests to NASA for original unedited footage. The footage shows Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins in their Apollo 11 capsule from low-Earth orbit (about 200 miles "up") faking footage of a much-more-distant "Earth," pretending to be about halfway to the Moon or 130,000 miles away from Earth [*2] (the Moon is about 240,000 miles away from Earth) when they were really only 0.15% of that distance from Earth.

Sibrel published the footage in his 2001 documentary, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon [*3]. David Percy published his copy in his 2000 documentary, What Happened on the Moon? An Investigation into Apollo (relevant scene at 12:07) [*4], with Mary Bennett.

For those who prefer reading instead of watching videos, I summarize their contents and give some of my own analysis here [*5], but, also, repost the relevant portion of my analysis of the footage sent to Sibrel and Percy in italics below. If you've already read my analysis from my June-2020 published piece, feel free to skip past the italicized part below.

[The] footage [sent to Sibrel and Percy] shows the Apollo 11 astronauts falsifying their journey half-way to the Moon or 130,000 miles away (over 10x the diameter of the Earth).

They are caught in low-Earth orbit, only about 200 miles up, or 0.15% of the alleged distance, while reporting to be "130,000 miles out" and showing the computer's time recorder display at 34 hours. A copy of the full footage is available here [*6] on Seb Menard's channel. I will give times for each scene from the footage I reference, links beginning a few seconds before each scene I highlight, and screenshots of the corresponding highlighted scenes so readers can view for themselves as I explain.

The footage was marked "not for general public distribution."

A few years after Sibrel, Bennett, and Percy published their documentaries, Spacecraft Films, in 2003, published the leaked footage with a few curious omissions, such as the above-referenced disclaimer. Also missing from the Spacecraft Films version is a voice prompting Neil Armstrong by saying "talk" (0:25) after another voice says, "Apollo 11. Houston, Goldstone says the TV looks great. Over." [*7].

This mysterious voice prompting Armstrong is never heard again in Sibrel's recording. Why did Spacecraft Films cut out this voice if they claim the footage they present is unedited? Of course, the moment we speculate that the voice is an intelligence agent prompting Armstrong to speak, we are automatically deemed "conspiracy theorists" by detractors. As we are dealing here only with hard evidence the Moon landings were a fraud, there's no need for such speculation. I merely point out (1) the obvious red flag of an omission from what is purported as "unedited footage," and (2) the official Spacecraft Films release corroborates Sibrel and Percy's footage, proving this footage is indeed part of the record and not some elaborate fakery of a fakery.

If someone claims the evidence I present is fake, that implies that my evidentiary burden would be met if only my evidence were proven genuine. But once I prove this footage is not fake, a dishonest person will shift the goalpost and say, "Well, if the footage of them caught faking it is not fake, then there must be some other explanation." But there is none. And, as you will see, logical continuity for the Apollo 11 record is destroyed.

A break in the footage appears around the eighteen-minute mark. Then we hear Neil Armstrong, our most famous astronaut, claim to be "130,000 miles out" while filming the Earth from the circular porthole window of the Apollo 11 command module (18:41), claiming he has the TV camera lense pressed up against the window.

In later uncut frames, we see the shot was faked by turning the lights off inside the spacecraft to represent "space" outside the window, while the blue of Earth is a small bit of earthshine from a much larger Earth coming through the small circular porthole window with the camera not pressed up against the window but from the back of the spacecraft (30:34) [*9]. Alternatively, David Percy suggests a color transparency of the Earth could be placed in the window with the Sun or Earth illuminating it. A floodlight for operation of the TV camera in the dark is seen in the upper-left corner, in a scene that was likely mistakenly recorded.

A few seconds later, we see a fake covering, likely used to mimic the Earth's terminator line dividing night and day, over the porthole window (30:52) [*10].

A minute later, the spacecraft interior is illuminated and we see the "black" of space is really the interior walls of the spacecraft with the blue of Earth enveloping the entirety of the circular window and the same floodlight in the upper-left. This proves the spacecraft was orbiting Earth at the time and faking a view "130,000 miles out" by using the circular outline of the porthole window (along with some overlay material) to represent a false view of the "entirety" of Earth along the dark interior of the spacecraft with lights off and other windows covered (32:05) [*11].

About two minutes later, uncut, we confirm they were in low-Earth orbit (33:41) [*12], as we see white lacey clouds above the Earth's ocean visible from another window, proving Armstrong and crew weren't "130,000 miles out" but merely about 200 miles up in low-Earth orbit (0.15% of the distance):

Maybe they were faking a view of Earth as a practice shot for the real footage they'd later capture (which we mysteriously never see). Since the Earth-Moon voyage allegedly took three days to arrive, and 130,000 miles represents the approximate half-way point between the Earth and Moon, we would not expect the astronauts to still be in low-Earth orbit 34 hours after launch. Nonetheless, just two minutes later in uncut frames, we hear the astronauts verbally reporting the mission elapsed time as "34 hours and 16 minutes" while showing 34:16 on the mission computer's time display (35:39) [*13].

Curious. Let's assume they were faking the half-way footage as a "practice shot" while in low-Earth orbit. Why would they be doing so at the 34-hour-16-minute mark? Why would half of their three-day alleged mission duration from Earth to arrival at the Moon be spent in low-Earth orbit, only 200 miles away out of the approximately 240,000 total-mile journey to the Moon? This conflicts with the official record where "translunar injection," the rocket blast to initiate exit from low-Earth orbit to the Moon, began at the 2-hour-50-minute mark [*14].

To be precise, it occurred at the 2-hour-50-minute-13-second mark, which was the same time NASA promised a week before in its pre-released Apollo press kit! Okay. The record time was off by a few milliseconds from the press kit time below [*15]:

Let's piece the evidence together. Can you solve the below puzzle?

As you might image, the U.S. government did not make it easy for Mr. Sibrel to publish this documentary. He explains exactly what happened to him in his latest book, Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List, published on September 11, 2021 [*16].

Readers will have to go to Amazon directly and search for his book there. Google censors discussion of his book. Note the below screenshot of a search for "Moon Man by Bart Sibrel" taken on September 19, 2021:

Microsoft's Bing censors results as well (screenshot below taken September 19, 2021):

DuckDuckGo (DDG), however, does not (as of yet) censor search results. Note the difference, taken September 19, 2021, below.

Is DDG really that much more accurate than Google and Microsoft? Of course not. So, why would Google and Microsoft go to such great lengths to censor Sibrel's latest book?

Sometimes it's not the crime but the cover-up that exposes true evil. Eventually, Americans will concede, by majority, that the Apollo lunar missions were fraudulent. But, historians might justify the fraud, in retrospect, as a necessary, albeit perhaps misguided, effort to win the Cold War with the Soviet Union that was rapidly annexing nations into its empire. If the U.S. could be seen as technologically more advanced than the Soviet Union, perhaps less governments would concede to joining the Soviet Union.

However, the Cold War is over. The Soviet Union is no more. Post-Cold War cover-up activity cannot be morally justified. While some might buy into a necessity for lying about the Moon "landings" to halt or recede Soviet expansion, kidnapping and harassing an American citizen to keep the lie in place after the Cold War was over is a whole other ethical matter.

I'll be quoting Sibrel in his own words below, regarding just how sinister the cover-up activity was.

On page 56, Sibrel states:

It was in the late afternoon on that fateful June 30th in 1999, a Wednesday, when I found the reel of unedited material from the alleged first Moon mission, revealing that the Apollo crews never left low-Earth orbit. After having my telephone conversation about this urgent matter with whistleblower Bill Kaysing [author of We Never Went to the Moon, published 1976] mysteriously interrupted with intrusive tones and repeated connection failures, I began to panic. I felt that Bill’s life might be in danger and that I had been the cause of it.

Sibrel planned to deliver the film to his contact at CNN. While en route, he was tailed by a suspicious vehicle and reports (p. 57):

The car following me suddenly stopped right in the middle of the road behind me. The driver apparently realized that they had pulled out too quickly and had given away their covert intentions. “I’ve got all night. I’m not going anywhere,” I said to myself. After nearly a full minute of idling in the middle of the road several yards behind me, the mysterious driver abandoned their mission and drove past me in defeat. I then remembered the words of an ancient sage about the “Art of War” who said, “Know your enemy,” so I decided to turn the tables on them and followed them instead!

While trying to view who was following him, he reports (p. 57):

At the very moment that we locked eyes and he gave me an unspoken threat of death, my car engine suddenly switched off. I had never experienced anything like this before either. The engine stopped running and all the lights went off, as if someone, somewhere, had pushed a button to make it all happen. I may not own any fancy cars, yet I maintain my cars meticulously, and I had never experienced anything like this in my entire life. A high-ranking ex-military intelligence officer, who was one of my top sources for my film, told me afterwards that an electromagnetic pulse must have been transmitted to my car to disable it, either from the car beside me, or perhaps even from a military satellite in Earth orbit.

All that I could do was coast to the side of the road and call the police. Unfortunately, this didn’t work, as I discovered that my telephone had been simultaneously disabled. I saw that just a few yards ahead was an off ramp and I watched my adversary exit there and get back on the road onto the other side, so as to head back in my direction. Immediately thereafter, this man met up with another car on the other side of the highway, talked with them briefly through mutually rolled-down windows, and then got off at the next exit, just behind me, to loop around again and come back to where I was.

Sibrel abandoned his vehicle, fled to a hotel, and eventually found a taxi driver willing to take him to CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia (p. 62):

The CIA tracked down my whereabouts, knew that I was in a taxi leaving that particular hotel, on my way to CNN to deliver evidence that would greatly embarrass them, and they sent two of their on duty club-member cops to intercept me, who just happened to have stopped the wrong taxi in front of our hotel instead of us. Keep in mind too that none of the CIA agents had yet seen the reel of footage for themselves. They had only heard me talk about it excitedly over the telephone as “concrete proof of the Moon landing fraud”, knew that I had rushed to make multiple copies of it, and had just spent four hundred dollars to urgently drive the footage in a taxi to give it to my contact at CNN, some two hundred and fifty miles away from where I lived. If I were them, I would find this alarming and do whatever I could to stop me, in order to see the condemning evidence before the CNN reporter did.

On pages 64-65, Sibrel states:

When I arrived [at CNN headquarters], it was a little after eleven o’clock in the morning. As soon as I stepped out of the taxi and my foot hit the sidewalk in front of CNN, I was surrounded by three police officers, one of whom was a Captain. They immediately asked me (referring to the condemning videotape), “What have you got there?”
I am sure these three men had no idea what was really on this reel of videotape. They were just told to stop me from bringing it into CNN. Maybe they were told it was footage of the current president with a prostitute that would embarrass him if broadcast. I doubt if they were told the truth, so I told them the truth. I told them exactly why they were told to stop me. I told them that I was an investigat[ive] journalist who was in the possession of a reel of footage which contained the crew of Apollo 11 faking being halfway to the Moon, proving that they never left Earth orbit and consequently could not have ever walked to the Moon. I told them that this was why they were sent to intercept me, to prevent me from embarrassing NASA, the CIA and the federal Government. I showed them my driver’s license as identification and my media credentials, as well as the sizable professionally formatted reel itself. “Now do you understand what you are doing here?” I asked them.

I could see that the youngest of the three policemen was horribly shocked at my disclosure and that the captain became very nervous. The third cop looked like he would kill me if given the order to do so. (He had that soulless look, just like the person who’d followed me from church the previous evening.) There were dozens of bystanders all around us, employees of CNN sitting outside on the entrance steps to eat their lunches in the nice warm weather, some of whom were curiously eying my situation. The captain was eyeing them back, doubtless contemplating what he might be able to get away with in front of so many witnesses. My taxi driver new friend got out of the car and stood beside me, in an attempt to give me back up. I asked the captain, “Am I free to go?” He would not answer the question. I asked again, “Am I free to go?” He again would not answer the question. When I took a few steps toward the front door with the condemning footage, all of the policemen simultaneously blocked my path preventing me from doing so. I asked a third time, “Am I free to go?” Again the question went deliberately unanswered.

Sibrel then tried to enter a back door to the CNN office and was again intercepted (pp. 66-67):

There I was, running frantically down the street in search of a backdoor to CNN. I turned another corner toward the back of the building and ran down the alley behind CNN, yet did not find an alternate entrance. As I contemplated whether or not to enter through the back door of the business on the other side of the alley, and exit through their front door in order to evade my pursuers, I apparently spent a bit too much time deciding this. In a matter of seconds, I was surrounded by what appeared to be two unmarked police cars, an unmarked van with no windows, and one motorcycle cop.

Without a word, they immediately took the videotape reel from me (a copy that I had made the previous day), handcuffed me, and opened the doors to the back of the unmarked van. Before they put me in, I heard them talking amongst themselves behind me, “Do you have the thing?” “I thought you had the thing.” “I don’t have the thing. I think he’s got the thing.” “Oh, yeah. Here’s the thing.” “What thing?” I wondered to myself. The thing was a small wristband, like the kind you might receive at a concert for re-admittance. The person who handled “the thing” put on a pair of rubber gloves to do so, as if to not touch the thing directly themself.

Sibrel then explains how he was drugged, as an attorney bystander tried to help him (p. 68-69):

It was at this point that I suddenly became exceedingly nauseous and dizzy. Apparently the thing contained a skin-absorbed drug of some kind, just like G. Gordon Liddy had been on standby to use on investigative journalist Jack Anderson’s steering wheel, and this is why the wristband was handled with rubber gloves and why it was placed over my wrist, where many veins were located, so as to be absorbed into my bloodstream as quickly and as strongly as possible. I had done LSD recreationally once before, about ten years earlier, and it initially felt like a heavy dose of that. So strong was the drug that I started seeing spots before my eyes and began to violently throw up. I am not sure how the conversation between the lawyer and the cops finally concluded because of the intensity of the drug, other than knowing that this sharp attorney insisted being told where I was going to be taken, as the next thing I remember, I was being put inside of the van, on my stomach, vomiting profusely.

The inside of the van was pitch black. This would have taken quite a bit of deliberate effort to have the light in the back of a van be so thoroughly blocked out that not even a sliver of light could enter. I suppose this was done for some psychological effect. Also, for such similar effect, the sound of a voice was heard in the darkness babbling in gibberish. It was a pretty comical and juvenile tactic when you think about it. I joked back at the voice and said, “If you’re going to speak in tongues, then at least say some prayers on my behalf.” At this remark of mine, the voice stopped and remained silent, as if they were ashamed of themselves, as I called them out on their obvious chicanery.

Sibrel then explains how he was driven to a psychiatric ward, in which the law allowed one to be detained five times longer than if actually arrested (pp. 69-72):

My kidnappers then drove me to the psychiatric ward at the Atlanta General Hospital, which was likely not where they had first intended, yet it was where they informed the lawyer I would now be taken. Rather than driving the van to the front entrance where patients were normally dropped off, they deliberately parked some considerable distance away. I was about to discover that this was so that they could have time to interrogate me first. They pulled me out of the van, strapped me into a wheelchair, and very slowly wheeled me to the hospital, clearly done so as to increase the time with which they could ask me a prepared set of questions specifically intended for someone under the influence of whatever drug they had illegally given me. Even in my drugged state I could see that they were reading off a printed list pinned to a clipboard. It was beginning to look as if this whole operation had been prearranged well in advance.

The very first question they asked me was, “Where is your son.” I had at the time a two and a half year old son. I was divorced and had custody of him on weekends. When I found the alarming footage and was subsequently chased on the highway in the middle of the night, I had immediately telephoned my ex-wife (who supported the argument that my film makes at the time we were married) and told her what was going on. Working on my “What would I do if I were the CIA?” premise, I had concluded that they might kidnap my son for the ransom of the videotape, so after my discovery of the condemning Apollo footage and my subsequent telephone call about it with Bill Kaysing was mysteriously interrupted, I had urgently asked my ex-wife to take our son, leave her home at once, and go to an unpredictable location. She had immediately done so.

I am not sure what drug these government agents had illegally given me, yet it had the effect of “truth serum”. Under its influence I thought that these men were the “good guys” trying to help me, so I told them absolutely everything they wanted to know. (Consequently, government torture is never necessary and is only used as unethical retaliation.) The next thing my interrogators asked me was, “Where did you get the footage?” I told them that too. I was drugged up so much that I do not remember the rest of the questions or the answers I gave them. I did recall later that it was Thursday morning, July 1, 1999, when they checked me into that locked wing of the hospital, where they then placed me in a large comfortable chair, wherein I immediately fell fast asleep.

The drugs that they had administered to me in the alley were so severe that I slept for more than twenty four hours. When I finally woke up at about four o’clock in the afternoon it was Friday, July 2nd. I found myself still sitting in the same chair. The facility was quite modern. They served quality orange juice and peanut butter crackers as snacks and had a courtesy telephone for detainees. I first got to know one of the nurses as politely and promptly as I could, got to the point to where I felt that I could trust her, and then asked her kindly if she could please tell me how long my stay was expected to be. She informed me that I would be in their facility for a minimum of ten days. I thanked her and headed over to the telephone. Armed with my emergency AT&T long distance access codes which I had memorized for just such an occasion as this, I proceeded to telephone the executive producer of the film, as well as the new trustworthy news director at the television station where I used to work, to inform them both of my unusual situation.

The executive producer of the film found the predicament both alarming and amusing. I guess he was just as dumbfounded by it as I was and he cleverly used humor to relieve the tension. After about twenty minutes or so on the phone, accomplishing several important calls and making real progress in the matter, I suddenly heard drilling coming from the exact opposite side of the wall that the telephone was on. Really! Some spook (spy) had been sent, likely dressed up as a telephone repairman, to literally yank the telephone line I was using out of the wall!

Sibrel was then transferred  to another facility at nightfall (pp. 73-74):

I quickly estimated that the walk between the two buildings would only last about twenty seconds. I took advantage of the short time by promptly asking my escort about the laws and rules governing my detainment. “Can I use the telephone?” “Can I speak with a lawyer?” “How long will I be here?” He seemed a bit annoyed with the questions and finally replied in exasperation, “I don’t know. I’m just doing my job.” My last words to him were, “And so am I.” I then ran off the walkway and into the thick night fog of the prison yard to begin my escape.

I could tell that the building that I was about to enter was very secure and that this brief interlude in the open air would be my only opportunity for liberation. I figured quite rightly that the hourly employee who was escorting me had no desire to chase after me into the night and the thick fog. I quickly found my way to the fence and climbed over it and all the barbed wire, as if my son’s life depended on it. I figured the CIA’s goal was to get me and my two-year old son simultaneously, so as to force a trade with the original footage. Subsequently, I believed that my escape would thwart that scenario and protect my son. Once over the barbed wire at the top of the tall fence, and on the ground, I made my way down a remote country road. When I saw a patrolling police car a short time later, I made my way down a steep ravine into a creek and from then on used it as my pathway, rightly figuring that a policeman, Illuminati member or not, was not about to leave his comfortable car and ford a deep creek in the middle of the night to search for a “missing psychiatric patient”.

Sibrel successfully escaped and tried to obtain a urine sample to prove he was drugged (pp. 74-75):

I didn’t realize it at the time, until someone pointed it out to me, that I looked like I had been flogged by ancient Romans. I had cuts, bruises, and abrasions all over my face and up and down both sides of my arms, from the barbed wire and the countless thorn bushes that I had forged through, although I was completely oblivious to the pain at the time. I bore the scars from this ordeal for about six months afterwards. From this experience I quickly realized that fighting the CIA was futile and that if my movements were going to be monitored, they might as well be monitored from the comfort of my home. 
Upon later investigation, there was no record of my arrest in Atlanta, no record of my stay at any hospital there, and no APB (all-points-bulletin) for an escaped “psychiatric patient”. I did have the remnants of some exotic government drug in my system though, so I urinated in a cup and had a friend take it to a reputable laboratory for examination, to prove that the CIA had illegally drugged me with some mysterious truth serum agent. When I contacted the lab to hear the results of the test, they informed me that an overnight break in had occurred and that the only thing the thieves had taken was my urine specimen. So many coincidences. 

He was later detained, on allegations from his pastor, and admitted to a mental hospital a second time (pp. 80-81):

I was rather disheartened that as soon as I told the new pastor that I would submit to his leadership out respect for my understanding of the Scriptures at that time, which seemed to suggest this, that without hesitation he immediately notified the park police to come and take me away to the local General Hospital’s psychiatric ward… yet again. Once I arrived there, I was handcuffed to a hospital bed – after all, you can’t have people who question their government’s integrity running freely about! Shortly after I was handcuffed, once again I began to feel under the influence of another strong drug, even though I thought I had been very careful about who and what I touched. How I got drugged this second time was a total mystery to me. I suppose that as I was again wrongfully admitted into such a place, that the purpose of the drug was to make me “loopy”, so that I would better fit the characteristics of a mentally ill person.

Perhaps the most interesting revelation of his book is on pages 82-83 where he was visited by government agents stating to be on Sibrel's side in a struggle between agencies within the U.S. government:

Later that evening (it was actually at about one-thirty the following morning) two different mysterious men entered my room. This time they were wearing hospital scrubs, the kind that you would expect employees to wear in such a facility. Unbeknownst to them, the place that I was in was so “modern” that none of their employees actually wore such formal hospital attire. They dressed in plain street clothes instead. These two strange late night visitors woke me up and said, “Mr. Sibrel. We would like to talk with you.” I said, “I’m all ears.” They insisted that we not talk in my room, as if they did not trust it as a secure place to have a private conversation, and took me some distance away to the deserted employee cafeteria.

Once we arrived there, these two strangers took my temperature, my blood pressure, and asked me what kind of medicine the hospital was giving me. While I told them that I wasn’t receiving any medication, I thought to myself, “If they really worked here, wouldn’t they already know what medication they were giving me?” During the discussion these two secretive men kept encouraging me with words like, “You’re doing great Mr. Sibrel, hang in there” and “We’re all rooting for you.” I wondered what in the world they meant by such remarks. They seemed genuinely concerned for my well being, as if we were comrades in some battle.  I looked at them more closely and noted that one of the men was about twenty six, with a really short military-style hair cut, and the other, who seemed to be in charge, also had a military-styled haircut and was about forty. As I was looking them over, wondering who they were and what they were up to, I noticed that the older man was wearing a watch with a “United States Marines” insignia. Just as I was about to ask him about his watch, a little voice inside of me told me not to, so I followed my intuition about this, remained silent, and just listened to what they had to say.

I cannot tell you everything that they discussed with me, as I made a pledge not to, yet let me make a few things clear. I was made aware that the white cars that I had seen on the interstate driving with their lights on near me, when I was on my way to church after my harrowing escape in Atlanta, were best described as “the good guys”, sent there for my protection. More importantly, I was informed that the United States has been engaged in an unpublicized civil war for a very long time, perhaps since the end of the American Civil War, or perhaps beginning at President Kennedy’s assassination by the CIA. In any case, two or more factions within the federal government’s many secretive agencies have been fighting each other for quite some time. I don’t mean just arguing, I mean actual fighting; literally killing one another, and that there is a “gentlemen’s agreement” among all parties involved not to publicize this internal civil war...
...I was informed that each of these warring factions within the US government have their own secret armies, air forces, reconnaissance satellites, and spies, which are continually battling each other, under the radar and outside the reporting of the media....
Sibrel was released, only to face continued harassment (pp. 87-88):
I am not sure what protocol was broken, yet for some strange reason (I believe that it had something to do with my late night “good guy” visitors) soon after that I was released, ahead of schedule and without a court hearing. I went home, rested, and tried as best as I could to put these strange events behind me. Sometime later, my late night clandestine military visitors, or their close associates, forwarded to me a scan of an actual classified internal White House document from the 1960s, in which the faking of the Moon landing was formally discussed. There it was in writing and on my computer screen. As I was already exhausted from my many recent espionage adventures, I saved the document for later review.

The following day I started to have internet connection problems and had to call the service provider, who promptly sent over a “repairman”. This turned out to be a person who just so happened to have moved next door to me the previous week – coincidence! He insisted, in a way that I have never seen before under any circumstance, that I needed to give him my computer’s master password in order to troubleshoot the problem, which had only begun after I received this incriminating White House document. I told the “repairman” that I would type my computer’s master password in myself in the appropriate window. As I readied my fingers over the keyboard to do so, there he was, looking over my shoulder attempting to read my password as I typed it! When I insisted that he leave the room while I entered it, he did, and I closed the door behind him. As I again prepared to enter my master password, I looked over my shoulder and found that he had opened a crack in the nearby door and had his eye peering through it, directly looking at my keyboard!

When his second attempt failed at getting my password, the “repairman” then hooked up his military grade laptop to my computer and insisted that I use it to enter my computer’s master password “while he looked the other way”. (Obviously my password could then be recorded on his laptop.) When I refused, he said that my internet connection would not be fixed unless I followed his privacy invading commands. I said, “That’s fine. I’ll just find another company that is easier to work with,” and sent him on his way. When I contacted the new service provider, presuming that is whom I was really connected to on the telephone, they also unprecedentedly asked me for my computer’s master password in order to connect internet services with them! When I pointed out to this anonymous person on the other end of the telephone that I had used their company before at a different location and was never asked for my computer’s master password, plus the fact that I had even been notified in an email from this company that a real employee of theirs would never ask for such a thing, my call with them was abruptly disconnected.

While I again began to think that I needed to start scrambling all of my telephone and internet communications in order to safely investigate the Moon landing fraud any further, my late night “good guy” liaisons instructed me not to, because encryption software is frequently updated to overcome newly-advanced decoding, and this might make it more difficult for them to protect me. Apparently both the good guys and the bad guys are constantly monitoring what I am up to regarding my unfolding investigation into this monumental federal government-changing revelation, and that the best thing for me to do, for my own safety, is to conduct most of my business about this out in the open for both parties to see.

I am now free to disclose all of this information because my twenty-year confidentiality agreement with these good men has recently expired. When I was first introduced to them in July of 1999, my realization that I was continually being monitored by the bad guys went from being an alarming life-threatening predicament, to an amusing comical spy adventure worthy of a Hollywood feature film.
There are many more alarming passages in Sibrel's book, and I strongly recommend you pick up a copy and read the entire thing for yourself. I'll leave you with three more alarming items from his book.

First, since you might be wondering why no mainstream news media reports on the incriminating reel of film, on page 91 Sibrel reveals:
I remember the day very well, when, together with the executive producer of my film, we met privately in the news director’s office and showed him this incredibly revealing footage for the very first time. The NBC news director turned pale white, clasped his hand over his mouth in astonishment, and fell back in his chair as if he had just heard that President Kennedy had been shot. After a while he sighed and said, “This proves we didn’t go to the Moon.” “I know,” I said, “What do we do about it?” The NBC news director thought quietly for quite a long time and then finally said, “I cannot broadcast this. It will cause a civil war. I will not be responsible for that.”
Second, Sibrel adds a shocking supplement to his encounters in his documentary, Astronauts Gone Wild [*17], in which he reveals a confession to him by Neil Armstrong himself (p. 137):
I conversed with Armstrong privately on another occasion, in which I pleaded with him, for his own soul’s sake, to come clean with the truth before his death. I cannot tell you exactly what his reply was for reasons of confidentiality, yet he made it clear to me that my assessment of the Moon landings is correct, that he appreciated my sincerity, and that he had his own plan for eventual disclosure. Armstrong is said to have died shortly thereafter.
Third, a source for Mr. Sibrel passing away allowed him to give away the location of where the first Moon landing was filmed and who were on the vistor's list to the site (pp. 183-85):
Now I have something major to disclose. This disclosure is now possible as the high-ranking military source of my investigation into this matter has died, and the predetermined waiting period after his death has expired. I am now free to publish his testimony that comprises the following highly relevant information about the Moon landing deception, which is shared here for the very first time.

My source did not want the following facts to be published until a set time after his death because his life and the lives of his family members were threatened, face to face, if he ever told anyone that he had personally witnessed the counterfeit filming of the supposed 1969 Moon landings here on Earth. In fact, just days before writing these very words, immediately after I had reconfirmed all of this information with a surviving family member of this important source of mine, their home was broken into with professional spy-like precision, their sophisticated security camera alarm system was cleverly disabled with their own secret password, and all of the relevant documents about this matter, and nothing else, were stolen from their home. Two days after this break in event, this surviving family member of my eyewitness to the Apollo fraud was visited by two unidentified “US government officials”. They threatened his life, and the lives of his family, if he ever spoke to me again. In order to protect this individual, I notified the FBI, a United States Senator on the Intelligence Committee, and the White House Press Secretary.

This original direct eyewitness of the Apollo deception, now deceased, was the Chief of Security at the United States military base where the staged Apollo 11 Moon landing was secretly filmed. He was a first-hand eyewitness to the incredible events that I relate below.

The year was 1968. Preparations for the first fake Moon mission photography and filming that was to take place in the United States was underway, a full year in advance of broadcasting the falsified mission to the world, in order to have enough time to fully prepare and implement the contrived material. Lyndon Johnson, the US president at the time, was personally presiding over the first of three days of filming of this sad misadventure. I was informed that this was set up inside two very large aircraft hangers that were coupled together to best simulate the fake landscape’s enormity. The later missions likely used a similarly large professional film studio somewhere.

This Air Force Military Police Chief described many days, even weeks, of preparation before the filming was to take place. Countless tons of pulverized concrete were delivered to the military base in dump trucks, which were to be used as the “lunar soil” for the creation of the photographs and pre-filmed television images, while laboratory quality “test” samples of supposed lunar soil were made from crushed lunar meteorites, which had been personally retrieved from Antarctica by rocket designer Wernher von Braun the previous year.

Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis, New Mexico was the location of this filming. It was obscure, remote, quite small, and thusly would have the fewest possible eyewitnesses. Additionally, Cannon Air Force Base was also the secretive “Special Operations Command Center” for the entire United States Air Force, which is their interdepartmental equivalent of the CIA. The operation’s code name was Project SLAM DUNK. This code name resulted from President Johnson’s private remarks about the supreme urgency of attaining Kennedy’s misspoken December 31, 1969 deadline to have a man walking on the Moon, which Johnson said “WILL be met, come hell or high water”, in order to save international embarrassment. “Come hell or high water” obviously included the faking of the missions, in order to ensure that this goal was met. As the prefabrication of the planned Moon landings absolutely guaranteed that the technologically impossible lofty goal was met on time, the once impossible Moon missions were suddenly transformed into an easy “Slam Dunk”.

Below are fifteen names of visitors that the Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base was personally given by President Johnson, who were permitted to enter the highly-secured secret government military facility to observe the filming of the fake lunar landing. The names are listed below in the exact same order as they originally appeared on the list that I received from the Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base. President Johnson’s name was at the top of the list, followed by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. This could mean that they were only there to observe the event, in order to attain a general familiarity with what was going on, so that they could later recall it as if it was a personal experience. The two “astronauts” could have had doubles standing in their place or they may have done it themselves or perhaps both. The list does not include certain military personnel and all the photographic and film industry professionals such as the full crew, set designers, model makers and special effects people etc. They used a separate entrance and were on a separate list, which is not available at this time.

Lyndon Johnson – President
Neil Armstrong – NASA Astronaut
Edwin Aldrin – NASA Astronaut
Wernher von Braun – Rocket Designer
Robert Emenegger – Image Consultant
Eugene Kranz – NASA Flight Director
James Webb – NASA Administrator
Joseph Kerwin – Future NASA Astronaut (flew in 1973)
Thomas Paine – NASA Deputy Administrator (in 1968)
Glynn Lunney – NASA Flight Director
Christopher Kraft – NASA Mission Control Founder
James Van Allen – Radiation Expert
Arthur Trudeau – Army Intelligence
Donald Simon – Unknown (Navy)?
Grant Noory – Unknown (CIA)?
I was informed that these specially equipped top-secret film studios, along with all the mountain backdrops, the studio sets, as well as all the film and photographic equipment, were quickly disassembled after the photography and filming was complete so that no trace of it remained. Even the fact that President Johnson once visited Cannon Air Force Base, which at one time was boasted about on the Air Force base’s website, was quickly removed after this investigation into the matter commenced.

When the Chief of Security of Cannon Air Force Base saw the supposed “live Moon landing” on television a year later, he said that he cried quietly in sadness, yet still justified the deplorable deception to himself, as the rest of his fellow participants did, as a “necessary military bluff” in order to appear to be superior to Russia’s more advanced space technology at the time. The fake Apollo missions were also used as a much needed “pep rally” for disheartened Americans, who were perpetually disgruntled over losing tens of thousands of their husbands, brothers, and sons in a needless foreign war in Vietnam, which itself was entirely instigated by another CIA deception, the completely contrived “Gulf of Tonkin attack on American soldiers by North Vietnam”, which was entirely fabricated as the excuse for entering the war in the first place.
We now know Lyndon Johnson was the original perpetrator of the fraud. Who among the list Mr. Sibrel provided could be brought to justice for the crimes they've committed? How does the fact these frauds will spend their whole lives getting away with it make you feel? Will there be justice in the next life?

[*1] For more examples, see my prior pieces analyzing the photographic record:
An Epistemological Study of Apollo 11: Is There a Noble Lie? (stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com)
An Epistemological Study of Apollo 15: What If We Never Went to the Moon? (stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com)
An Epistemological Study of Apollo 17: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Proving Photo AS17-134-20384 Is Fraudulent (stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com)
On Musty Boomer Lunacy... (stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com)
[*2] Original footage, published on Seb Menard's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4UVDdUX1IA&t=1897s
[*3] A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bart Sibrel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xciCJfbTvE4&list=PLNyr8yavcNMXVvU-cQoNuLGGb0FAS8Zxx
[*4] What Happened on the Moon? An Investigation Into Apollo by David Percy and Mary Bennett: https://www.aulis.com/moon_pt1.htm
[*5] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2020/06/an-epistemological-study-of-apollo-11.html 
[*6] Footage used in the documentaries found here on Seb Menard's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4UVDdUX1IA&feature=youtu.be&t=1910 Links to specific areas of interest for footnotes 24-28 start a few seconds prior to the relevant scene to highlight context.
[*7] Relevant scene at 0:25. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=18
Speculation for why we hear the phrase "talk" according to Sibrel is that the astronauts would give away the fraud if they spoke too quickly from 130,000 miles out, given the speed of light limits radio transmissions to about 186,000 miles per second. Thus, perhaps, a CIA agent (or another intelligence agency) is counting the seconds and prompting Sibrel to speak. I don't emphasize this as evidence of the fraud, but, instead, point out its omission from the Spacecraft Films version of the footage as suspect. Massimo Mazzuco, producer of the documentary American Moon, highlights examples of astronauts making mistakes in their transmission by speaking sooner than is possible, given the Moon's 240,000 mile distance. I strongly recommending his documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY

[*8] Relevant scene at 18:41. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=1105
[*9] Relevant scene at 30:34. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=1834
[*10] Relevant scene at 30:52. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=1852
[*11] Relevant scene at 32:05. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=1910
[*12] Relevant scene at 33:41. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=2020
[*13] Relevant scene at 35:59. https://youtu.be/m4UVDdUX1IA?t=2132
[*14] https://www.history.nasa.gov/SP-4029/Apollo_18-24_Translunar_Injection.htm
[*15] Apollo 11 press kit, see page 21. https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/A11_PressKit.pdf
[*16] https://www.amazon.com/dp/1513686569
[*17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr6Vcvl0OeU


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