
Showing posts from October, 2021

Boomers Love to Boost!

Ever clear to me, since the summer of 2020, was where the COVID-19 "pandemic" was going to end up: a recurring-market model of re-vaccination in exchange for participation in polite society. But I got two components wrong: (1) I presumed the re-vaccination would be for "variants" of COVID-19, as opposed to being "boosters" for the original vaccine that wears off, and (2) I presumed the scheme to coerce stragglers into taking the vaccine would focus more on barring entry to public places (like airports) for the unvaccinated more-so than going straight to people's pocket-books via employers trying to get ahead of coming regulations to mandate vaccines by firing everyone who refuses to sign up for the coming vaccine treadmill [*1]. If the re-vaccination scheme were to become accepted by enough of the general public, as the COVID-19 "pandemic" died down, I figured the scheme would switch to needing proof of receiving the annual flu vaccine in ex...

What You Should Know Before Opposing U.S. Employer-Mandated COVID-19 Vaccination (Especially in Illinois)

NOTE: Since publishing this article, the Illinois legislature, during the last week of October 2021, passed a law that the Illinois governor will likely sign that may, or, as I argue, may not change Illinois' Healthcare Right of Conscience Act. On November 3, 2021, I published a piece discussing this issue you can read here . 1805 British political cartoon by James Gillray, "The Cow-Pock—or—the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation!” Edward Jenner vaccinates patients in the Smallpox and Inoculation Hospital at St. Pancras, as patients develop features of cows. The "anti-vaxx" debate has raged for centuries. In response to a U.S. executive order signed on September 9, 2021 [*1], and other executive orders signed by state governors, many employers are mandating employees receive COVID-19 vaccination or face termination ( UPDATE: On November 5, 2021, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration filed a regulation, going into effect January 4, 2022 , mandating ...