Boomers Love to Boost!

Ever clear to me, since the summer of 2020, was where the COVID-19 "pandemic" was going to end up: a recurring-market model of re-vaccination in exchange for participation in polite society. But I got two components wrong: (1) I presumed the re-vaccination would be for "variants" of COVID-19, as opposed to being "boosters" for the original vaccine that wears off, and (2) I presumed the scheme to coerce stragglers into taking the vaccine would focus more on barring entry to public places (like airports) for the unvaccinated more-so than going straight to people's pocket-books via employers trying to get ahead of coming regulations to mandate vaccines by firing everyone who refuses to sign up for the coming vaccine treadmill [*1].

If the re-vaccination scheme were to become accepted by enough of the general public, as the COVID-19 "pandemic" died down, I figured the scheme would switch to needing proof of receiving the annual flu vaccine in exchange for participation in society, in a special effort to keep the scam going. Now, it seems more nefarious than I originally suspected. The "vaccine" doesn't affect human-to-human transmission but is an immune-system stimulant that likely requires "boosters" to avoid the effects of vaccine-enhanced disease or antibody-dependent enhancement (all explained and sourced in my prior series of pieces, here [*2]).

So, what happens when one becomes "fully vaccinated" but refuses to take the boosters? I've spoken to people who went along with the original plan but are not too keen on the "boosters," especially when they see how what I predicted has come to fruition: a recurring-market model of revaccination in exchange for seasonal freedom. Perhaps many are thinking: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. 

But does the baby-boomer generation have any shame? Proportionally, they have a lot less.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks boosting demographics, meaning people who were once "fully vaccinated" and now opting for that extra oomph in alleged COVID-19 protection. Here is a screenshot of those "boosting" as of October 29, 2021 [*3]. 

The boomer generation was born between 1946 to 1965; thus, in 2021, they're in the 57-75 age range. Per the CDC statistics, we deduce 3,477,522 aged 50-65, 2,924,993 aged 18-50, and 10,253,854 over 65 who took boosters (inferring an odd 25,900 under 18 have taken them). Thus, the vast majority of boosters are boomers.

We know the definition of "fully vaccinated" will soon include those getting their semi-annual "boosters." Many are getting vaccinated for their seasonal freedom more than their seasonal health, as those under 57 make up a far larger percentage of the workforce and university system facing vaccinate mandates (and the coming booster mandates) than those 57-75. And, at least as of yet, the government isn't requiring proof of vaccination to receive social security or retirement benefits; so boomers don't feel the coercion to get "boosted" the way the tax-paying generation supporting them does.

For boomers, the need to "boost" must come from their fear of death and blind-faith in the U.S. government. Alas, the boomers seem more-willing to be fooled twice, to believe that being boosted is actually about their health as opposed to power and profits for government and the evil that feasts upon it. As the old adage attributed to Mark Twain goes: it's easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled.

As of their September 24, 2021 recommendation, the CDC states those over 65 (or younger but in a long-term care facility) should get a booster [*4]. Per the CDC, those 50-64 should get a booster if they have an underlying medical condition, the list of which includes, shockingly, those who are pregnant and those with heart conditions [*5], despite no pregnancy studies on the safety of the vaccines and myocarditis being a specific adverse-reaction risk.

Boomers are the generation most likely to voluntarily comply with the booster regimen, since they're the generation most likely to get their news from the television, as they watch twice as much as teenagers do [*6]. And television news, especially cable news, is a 24/7 vaccine infomercial. The newsmen won't shut up about it, since the pharmaceutical industry essentially owns the boomer media by buying about 70% of cable-news ad space (according to Roger Ailes) [*7]. And that's the brilliant part: there are no vaccine commercials (since side effects need to be disclosed on television ads for pharmaceuticals [*8]); so the newsmen advertise the vaccine 24/7 for free, while the government pays for the doses.

As of October 22, 2021, the CDC reports for COVID-19-vaccine injuries on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) include 17,619 deaths and 27,277 permanent disabilities [*9]. Of all vaccine deaths since 1990, the COVID-19-vaccine deaths make up 66% of them.

It's obvious by now that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective [*10] and dangerous [*11]; of course not dangerous to everyone, but rolling around in Agent Orange used to clear jungles in Vietnam didn't give everyone who fought there cancer either, did it?

By allowing themselves to be fooled twice, boomers are making it easier for our corrupt governments to impose vaccine mandates on the rest of us. More who comply with this obvious scam willingly makes it that much easier to impose mandates on the rest of us, including the current regime of vaccinating anyone over the age of five.

So, what will the fall-out of all this be? We are living through the most wicked time in world history. We only know the short-term damage to the COVID vaccines; we don't know what the coming regime of boosters is going to do, let alone the long-term effects of the original shots. We know many young people will be suffering with inflamed-heart conditions (myocarditis), directly resulting from the COVID-19 vaccines, and many other adverse-effects for decades into the future, as the straggling boomers enter their retirement homes.

What incentive will the young have to care for the boomer generation, let alone support them in the aftermath of this evil? Imagine, twenty years from now, a 35-year-old suffering from myocarditis for the rest of his life visiting his 95-year-old grand parent at the nursing home who, at the time, wouldn't shut up about everyone needing to be vaccinated and boosted. When the grandson fluffs the pillows for his grandparent, what will he be thinking?




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