When U.S. Republicans Will be Allowed to Win Again

We know exactly how the U.S. political system works. (1) Millions of mail-in ballots are registered ahead of time in key districts around the country. (2) The voting machines are connected to the internet. (3) Remote operators access the machines, alter necessary data, and discover how many votes they need to "find" for the mail-in ballots. (4) Mail-in ballots are then released and/or produced and added to the totals to match what is needed for the desired candidates. (5) The desired candidate(s) then "win" the chosen election(s), despite mathematical improbability. (6) The U.S. media claims the result is legitimate and labels any questions or investigations raising doubt as "conspiracy theory" and a danger to "democracy." (7) Feckless boomers cave to media pressure and rhetoric enhanced by their friends and family who accept this media narrative. (8) Court challenges to the elections are dismissed without any hearing on the merits, as courts def...