Why Are Adverse Reactions to COVID "Vaccines" Over 2.8x Higher in Norway than the U.S.?

Every Friday, I check the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System's (VAERS) latest update on the COVID-19 (COVID) vaccines, with data going back to 1990, and analyze it here [*1].

Over half of all serious vaccine adverse events (like death and permanent disability) since 1990 come from the COVID vaccines that were first available in December 2020. As of the August 20, 2021 update, 13,627 deaths were reported from the COVID vaccines out of 22,501 deaths ever reported to VAERS for any vaccine, meaning 60.5% of all vaccine-related deaths ever reported to the CDC came from the COVID vaccines.

A total of 658,957 adverse events out of 1,564,377 (42.12%) going all the way back to 1990 come from the COVID vaccines (see screenshot below).

VAERS, all COVID-vaccine incident reports thru 8/20/21

The usual "fact checkers" remind us that an adverse event reported doesn't mean the vaccine definitively caused the injury in question, even though COVID cases are comparatively counted based on a spurious diagnostic tool [*2] and COVID deaths are counted based on speculation of a COVID case or a positive test (using said spurious diagnostic tool) within 28 days, even if the the person died of a "clear alternate cause" [*3]. And you don't see the "fact checkers" qualify the COVID case and death counts, but they're all over anyone analyzing VAERS data.

A report to the Health and Human Service Department in the U.S. shows only 1% of adverse events are reported [*4]. Should we multiply that figure by 100 to get a real idea of how dangerous COVID vaccines are? Maybe it's not quite 1%, since that'd mean over twice as many people would've died from the COVID vaccines (1,362,700) compared to COVID itself (CDC, as of 8/31/21 claims 631,585 COVID deaths [*5]). But something is awry.

Although VAERS is a U.S.-based reporting system, 21% of COVID-19-vaccine adverse reactions reported to it come from a foreign country [*6]. Despite foreign reports being 21%, such reports represent a little over half of the serious adverse-event reports from the COVID vaccines, like death and permanent disability.

This is odd, to say the least, considering VAERS is a U.S. reporting system. Of the 13,627 COVID-vaccine deaths, 6,128 are are U.S.-based and 7,499 are foreign-based. Of the 17,794 COVID-vaccine permanent disabilities, 7,059 are U.S.-based and 10,725 are foreign-based. Why?

In the U.S., as of August 29, 2021, 203,992,008 allegedly received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine in the U.S. [*7]. So, 539,697 U.S.-based adverse events (as of 8/20/21) would mean 0.26% of those in the U.S. are experiencing adverse reactions, when we discount the 148,900 foreign reports.

The viral-vector COVID vaccines tend to be given more in Europe than the U.S. (which consumes more of the messenger-RNA COVID vaccines instead) [*8]; so, one might presume viral-vector COVID vaccines are more dangerous. But, the pattern of foreign-reporting being for more serious adverse effects, as I've written about prior, is a recently-emerging one: about 3:1 foreign deaths to U.S. ones in the past few months, which wasn't the case before March [*9].

Let's compare VAERS data on COVID vaccines, filtered for U.S. reports only, to Norwegian COVID-vaccine adverse-event report data [*10].

Norway has 3,812,457 people dosed with a COVID vaccine. Adverse reactions total 27,830 (0.73%), meaning the rate of adverse reactions to a COVID vaccine is 2.8x higher in Norway than it is in the U.S. Why?

Some discrepancy in reporting would be understandable, but not to this extent. It's possible Norwegian physiology doesn't mesh well with the COVID vaccines, causing a Norwegian to be 2.8x more likely to experience an adverse effect. It's also possible, foreigners and, specifically, Norwegians, are more likely to complain about symptoms a gritty U.S. citizen might sluff off. But, most likely, U.S. physicians and citizens are simply reporting adverse effects less often, even though they experience them.

It's more difficult to control a narrative between various countries than it is within a country. For example, in the U.S. we have the alleged "pandemic of the unvaccinated," as reported by multiple news media outlets here. Meanwhile in the U.K., 40% (lowered from the initial report of 60%) of their COVID patients are vaccinated [*11]. And in Israel, at least 85% of COVID patients are vaccinated [*12]. If, it's a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," it seems to be a case-specific one to the U.S. How would that be possible?

Does any of this make sense to you? Why would COVID vaccines have such differing levels of effectiveness between three different countries, all thousands of miles away from each other? Why are the adverse effects so differently reported from other countries compared to the U.S.?

To the extent this wild discrepancy in data cannot be reasonably explained, which country is more likely being deceptive? 

[*1] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/05/covid-19-not-vaccines-represent-41-of.html
[*2] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/06/false-efficacy-difference-between.html
Analysis by Ronnie Cummins in Dr. Joseph Mercola's May-2021-published book:

At present, the polymerase chain reaction test [PCR] is the primary method used to test people for COVID-19. The problem with that is twofold. First of all, the PCR test cannot distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones. This is a crucial point, since inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will not get sick and you cannot spread it to others. For this reason, the PCR test is grossly unreliable as a diagnostic tool.

Second, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected far too many times, which results in healthy people testing positive. In order for the PCR test to be of any use whatsoever, in terms of diagnosing COVID-19, labs would need to considerably reduce the number of amplification cycles used.

Mercola, Joseph; Cummins, Ronnie. The Truth About COVID-19 (p. 77). Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition.
[*3] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/05/covid-19-not-vaccines-represent-41-of.html
[*4] https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf
[*5] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
[*6] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/08/why-are-foreign-reports-outpacing-us.html
[*7] https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-total-admin-rate-total
[*8] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/07/adverse-effects-seen-and-unseen-pt-3-of.html
[*9] https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/08/why-are-foreign-reports-outpacing-us.html
[*10] https://legemiddelverket.no/english/covid-19-and-medicines/vaccines-against-covid-19/reported-suspected-adverse-reactions-of-covid-19-vaccines
[*11] https://www.westernjournal.com/uk-60-people-admitted-hospital-covid-fully-vaccinated/
[*12] https://www.spectator.com.au/2021/08/most-covid-patients-at-israeli-hospital-fully-vaccinated-what-does-this-mean-for-australia/


  1. tuberculosis? i believe? had to have different vaccines for different latitudes. A guy named sol roy rosenthal won the nobel prize for figuring it out.


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